
Date posted: 30.01.17

The latest meeting of the Accrediting Bodies Association for Workplace Transport (ABA) was held on Thursday 17th November at AITT. One of the key areas for discussion was the new operator testing arrangements for Counterbalance and Reach trucks.

Previously the ABA held a focus group to discuss the current testing arrangements with a wide range of stakeholders, including training organisations, trade associations, insurers, unions, lift truck manufacturers and employers. The group felt that the test needed updating and since that time the ABA has been working hard on updating the test to ensure that accredited training is market-leading and delivers safe and efficient lift truck operators. We have incorporated the comments and feedback from the focus group and will be in a position to make an official announcement and release the new test on Monday 30th January 2017. It will not be mandatory for accredited organisations to use the new test immediately. On 30th January we will release further details about the lead in time for implementation.

At the February meeting of the ABA it is to be decided which machine test will be subject to the next review and updates, if you have any thoughts, suggestions or comments on this please do drop us a message.